My note on paper: The cancer genome

Paper: The cancer genome
(doi: 10.1038/nature07943)

Note only the part that I am interested.

Step by step of changing in the genome:

1.Fertilized set considered as original
2.Somatic set
3.Germline set
In somatic mutations for the cancer genome:
1.substitution in one base
2.insertion or deletion
3.rearrangement/broken and rejoining
4.copy number increase/decrease
Exogenous gene causing cancer:
Esp. from virus that integrates into the host genome --
*human papilloma virus (HPV)
*Epstein Barr virus (EBV)
*Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
*human T lymphotropic virus 1
*human herpes virus 8
Structural genome:
*epigenetic changes -- chromatin structure + gene expression
*Epigenetic changes can be applied with Darwinian natural selection
Mitochondria genome:
circular 17 kb
somatic mutations has been reported in many human cancers - exact roles are not clear

Introduction of total genomic DNA from human cancers into phenotypically normal NIH3T3 cells could convert them into cancer cell (one evidence support the contribution of genetic toward cancer)

Picture showing the changes in genomic sequences along the age timeline

Cancer is an evolutionary process:

Darwinian evolution: cancer cell + microenvironment
cancer cell -- generate diversity; more/less random mutation depending the machinery withing the cells
microenvironment -- natural selection that affects on the diversity of cancer

Acquisition of somatic mutation in cancer genome:
*mutation rate depends on:
1.cell types
2.presence of important exposures
3.rare inherited disease (DNA damage repair/response defect)

Driver mutation (cancer genes):
*Mutation in genes that support the tumor growth
*Under selected by microenvironment
*Not necessaries to be required for maintenance of final cancer
Passengers mutation
*not confer growth advantage
*not  selected
*somatic mutation that occurs bc of cell division
*can be found in all cells of the final cancers (bc it is not harmful to the cancer cell)

Passenger can convert to driver

Key challenge:
Differentiate between the driver and passenger mutations


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Note: Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology