Quick note; Cancer: Tumours build their niche

I have read the news and view in the nature which summarizes two articles demonstrating the tumor cells, esp. lung adenocarcinomas (advanced and aggressive stage) divided and gave rise to two cell populations. (doi:10.1038/nature22494)

1. tumour cells - actively dividing cells
2. supporting cell or so called "niche cell" - which provide the microenvironment to support the growth of the tumour cells

Picture indicates the tumour cell divides and gives rise to two subpopulations (a). Within the tumour tissue, there are two cell subpopulations, one support the growth of tumour by which it secretes the growth factor that can stimulate the tumour cell growth (b).

Question remains;
supporting cell can secrete and promote the cancer growth in the other cancer type besides the its own neighbouring cells


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